So woke up and knew something was not right on the 2nd. More high blood pressure. Went in and it was 138/90. So they kicked me up to L&D again and said I would either be induced that night depending on how the other blood pressure readings would go. If I sat up they were high so for the next 7 hours I had to lay on my side. Not so great. Ate some food and Keith got there. Got the nice combo of sleeping pills and morphine to sleep.
They were to start the induction the next day at 6. This did not happen. They were so busy. All rooms were full. This pissed off my doctor who I think was already pissed that one of her other practice mates admitted me and ordered the induction. So the started the meds. Had the epidural by 11 am. They had be doped up realy good. But I think the Dr. who did my epidural missed an area. It hurt like hell from 1-3:50pm. I'd clench the arm rest. Kept telling the nurse.. nothing came of it. Then
at 3:50 they told me I could try and push. Well it worked too well. For after a few pushes I got told to stop and they were franticly getting the doctor. Needless to say the contractions were so strong they were pushing her out on their own. The doctor made it in just bearly got on her gown and gloves and she was here with in 10 min of pushing.
Emma Grace 9lb 6 oz 21 1/2 inches long, 14 inch head arrived at 4 pm. No stiches to me. Still trying to figure out that one.
They did find that my placenta had some calisfication and there were some clots. Not a good thing. But all turned out well. Reason behind that is still not known as of that point. But they were sent to the lab just incase.
Wyatt came to see his sis that night. He even wanted to hold her, he asked on his own. He liked it til she cryed the lifted up his hands like he did not do it and wanted help. So cute, he even gave her kisses.
Debbie, Angie, my dad, and Sandi showed up. It was great. Went to bed. Sent her away for sleep. Got woken up for they were so busy that she had to return to our room.
Keith went home and ditched a car then came back with Leah and Rob. Was amaized that Rob held her. Then Patrick and Carol showed up. It was not too bad but a few conversation topicks did make me mad at him. Like it is ok to leave used syringes at the doctors in a paper bag even though they said that they would not take them in a public area but then it is the end of the world when some one throws a cigarett butt on the ground... both are just as bad in my book.
Rest of the day was full of accupunture, healing touch, narcotics ( : Lots of baths. Then when settleing down for the night we got moved. The L&D area of the ward was over full and they needed the room. So we got moved in to the c-section suite. Did not like it. The bath sucked... and it was smaller. Dan and Sandi came and visited, then Janell. She brought a cute little sister shirt.
Then today discharge took a long time. But now we are home. Taking it easy. More later.