Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday Sucks!

Started out the day with ye old alarm clock going off. It came way too soon. The phone rings. Keith was up but he did not hear it. I had to stumble around the living room to find the phone. For I did not have time to put on the glasses. It was daycare, oh I have to be closed one of my kids is sick. Fine then the panic starts to figure out what to do with the fussy one. Keith stuck around, Wyatt was still sleeping. Made multiple phone calls to our old day care for she dose backup care. That almost took an hour. Luckily she could take him today. Keith left an hour late. Work started out ok... then the window started leaking. So set up a cup and towel to catch the water. Yea. It was coming fast while it was raining. Another problem to add to the list. I am still trying to figure out how to see a friend who had a child and get the time in at work I need. Besides that I will be grading tonight too. Yippie. I am exhausted. Ready for bed. But no rest for the wicked. Also trying to figure out how to get the dog license done. Got the shot. Now just the paper work. Now with as hectick as the morning was I do not know even when Keith is getting home.

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