Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sick of this shit....

Ok so today did not go too well. Woke up and people could not make decisions even on breakfast. Had to take charge even though I was exhausted. Fine did it. Then Wy was cranky as hell. He even said yes to being tired. Got him to bed and went to the other target to look for some hiking boots that the other target had on clearance but were out of the size the fussy one needed. Found them and they wanted $2.00 more. But still cheaper than any other shoe. Fine paid it. Found a deal on wipes but called back to the home sted and some one could not tell me the normal size of wipe containers we buy. Fine did not get them. Found a bag I want to get but if some one follows thur with their plan to make me a diaper bag I should not need. So I am torne about that. After finding a few pairs of pants on clearance for the fussy one I left. Came home to find one of the boxes of wipes out side of the fussy ones room. Yeah that would of been a great deal for them, GRRRR! And our target dose not have them. Fine so I left to go to Wal*mart for the fussy one was still sleaping. Had to go to the vision center. Ordered a pair of sunglasses, only reason I did that is I have $ in my FSA that I need to spend. Called Keith and asked him about lunch. Some whineing about Culvers and how he was starving. FINE, I get him a meal. Nothing for me or fussy to save $. Came home and gave him the food. He was very greatful for it. Started making mac and cheese for me. Then the fussy one wakes up just as I was about to eat. Keith steped up to take care of him so I could eat. But the fussy one tried to bother mommy. So they went out side so I could eat. But I was so wound up.... We played out side for awhile then it turned in to mommy takes care of him all day again... and with him being a brat. I just wished that I could of had a bottle of wine or two to help. Then no one could make a decision for dinner. So I ate corn flakes and they ate chicken strips. The only thing that sounded good to me for dinner was the soup, yes soup at olive garden. So I attempted to see if some one was free. But they were not. I guess it was good to save $. The fussy one went to bed ok. Talked to the person I attempted to go out with and they dropped a bomb. Just sick of seeing people self destruct. Then I attempt to fill out the paperwork for my FSA. The website is down. GURR! I know lots of laim whining about little shit. Just when it all builds up, no good. And especially when you can not self medicate. I am just glad that the mil yesterday bought so much for the kids. It helps. Now Keith is working on his car for some bad clunking is occurring. We can not afford for a car to be down. We still need to fix my tranny too. I was also informed that my FIL I do not have time for will be showing up to my home that is a disaster. I will not have time to clean it. For people like me have to work. Then the other FIL and BIL will now be coming over, but the do not know what day of the week that will happen. At least when those two will show it means help with the bathroom. But that will also mean entertaining the MIL and others.... Still need to figure out what bottles we are going with this time since the ones we used last time are no longer sold at target. An on going battle. And need to figure out about the swing situation. Just trying to pick things off the list. Also no luck on finding shoes for Keith or I. I have to try and be happy with the little things that I got done but when more keeps piling up.... GURR! Also I have been attemping to look in to fun things to do with the fussy one like go to Como or indoor play parks. But all that shit closes at 4 pm or 4:30pm. When you are a working parent, like you can do any of that shit. It makes me angry that you either have to take a day off or be a stay at home mom to do this crap. Sorry to say with health insurance and house payment. Don't have a choice of being a stay at home mom. So for that my kid has to miss out on fun things? I would just be happy if they were open til 6 even. Just wondering why I try.

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