Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sick of it

I am getting so sick of people overextending their selves buying crap then bitching when they have no money for the basics of life. This is actually more that one person. Or how much their life sucks bec. of the spoused one. Get over your self! Stop spending $ on crap! Then you might make it thru the month with out pissing and moaning on how you need food $.

You think life is so easy for me? Not! I have a kid, I have to pay day care, I have to pay for 1/2 house and insurance. All of the insurances! Plus debt payments. Gas for the car. Do you think I like runing around with roots showing, NO! But I do it so we can eat, so the bills are paid.

Sorry for the rant, but hell. Get over your selves people and go get some help.

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