Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well I have managed to stress my self out very good. One of the conversations Keith and I had yesterday was how screwed we be if I lost my job. Do not get me wrong if either of us lost our jobs we would be screwed. But with mine the health insurance is tied to. And if I even got a new job right away we would still be screwed due to the cost of insurance thru a prospective employer or thru his. We would be hemorrhaging $. Nothing like the added stress of being the bread-winner. Especially now with Keiths hours being cut down. True he made more but with the benefits it equals out or infact exceeds his wages. I just do not like the feeling associated with it. I know we are not the only ones in this situation. But it can feel like it.

Trying to eliminate as much stress as I can today. Stress is so not healthy. Keith called and maybe picking up kido. So that may mean I can take a nap. For kido has awoken me every night the past 5 days. Still trying to figure out how I am going to accomplish all the things prior to this child coming with the income lacking. Hummm make Ro move in?

I did at least register for the hospital today. At least something was accomplished.

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