Saturday, April 25, 2009

Catch up

So... Monday was the day of doom. Had my ob appointment. Passed the GD test this time! Then got bad news. They saw that one of the baby's ventricles was enlarged. Got the news I was being referred to the specialist. Then I had to put on a happy face and go tour two day cares. I was quite ill. Made it thru and almost collapsed. So exhausted, stressed, and ill. Had no appetite.

Tuesday did the back and fourth game of waiting for the ob to send over the order and the specialist nurse team determine what type of appointment is needed. Justin at the office called me back. Think he likes me, even though you know for sure I am not his type. If you know what I mean.

Wed. was the trip to the smoke/white trash daycare. Need I say more.

Thursday was trying to arrange another visit to a day care.

Friday was the big day. Went to the specialist. All went well. Had a great doctor this time. All came out clear. There might of been a blockage, or just I mis-reading of that ultrasound on monday. But I saw the enlarged ventricle, so I think I was A. Either way so happy that baby looked ok, and is up past 3 lbs. Right on track and healthy.

Today went to another day care. Keiths urging. They had a pit bull that they let play with the kids all day. And they admited that he was protective of the children. RED FLAG. Regardless of the bread. And the house reaked like dog. I still can't smell much of anything. It made me sick. So that made the choice of the daycare to pick easy. Now he will be going to a place near, if we stay here ... his school. Still dealing with an ear infection and illiness... not fun. Also got my ot cut to nothing.

Still need to go buy diapers for we are almost out. Also need to figure out how to deal with the deposit for the new place. Ugh.............

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