Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well some progress was made last night. Most of the bathroom mud was sanded down. But there are a few nails that need a few more layers. So we have to do that then we can prime, and paint. I can't do the priming part. But the paint is low VOC so I should be ok. I have to do the paint part also due to the fact that Keith can not paint a wall with out painting things that should not be painted.

Fussy butt had a rough night. He woke up 3 times. 1st time screaming at his door (very odd for him) opened the door "i potty'd". Praised him for letting me know and assured him he did not need to cry. Changed his diaper and back to bed. He was so sweet. Then again he was crying but not at the door this time. Asked him "did you go potty" he nodded yes and once again changed his diaper. Again she was very sweet about every thing. So getting my self ready for bed after the sanding had stoped. Again he woke up. Same routine and a sippy this time added in he finaly slept the rest of the night. Sad part is I hope this keeps up. For I can not wait for this little guy to be potty trained ( : and he is showing many good signs of being ready.

Now we are to Thursday. *sigh* Why could it not be friday. Oh wait.... Saturday. For Friday is full of many chores to be done. No rest for the wicked.

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