Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It went better than thought..

Ok so my first night on Emma duty did not go well on sunday. She woke up more than ever. So nothing was done on monday during the day excluding ordering stamps. I know such excitement. Then went thru the back and forth of Keith then finaly deciding to work 5 days this week. Not too thrilled on that, but at least he still has a job.

So after him pulling crap on me of not saying when he was coming home. And knowing that I wanted him home to help with the Wy pickup. Nothing. I go pick up Wy. Went better than I thought. He was quite protective of sister. Did not want anyone touching her. He ran to the car. Thank god not in to the road.

On our way home Keith then chooses to tell me what the hell is going on. He missed pick up time with Wy. It made me a bit mad. But made it home before us. Then a great dinner debate for Emma was having fussy time prior to the pick up. Wy was on a "mine" tangent. Being a show off for attention when we were already giving it to him. Ended up going to Target with Wy for he wanted to Go! and GO NOW.

So we got to Target and he was an angel for me. Got a call when at the stoplight that the grandparents were coming over. So ended up getting home. Then Wy started acting like a little shit. Got him in the house and the grandparents showed up. After a juce box sanfu got him to bed.

Emma woke up twice lastnight, normal. Wy woke up sortive too. Keith fed the Emma this morning so I could get some sleep. Now only if it could keep up with a few less wakings on the childrens part.

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