Friday, July 10, 2009

BRU and doctors too!

Yesterday got to BRU with the MIL and they were out of 1/2 the crap I needed again. I got so mad I forgot the other 1/2 of the crap I needed. So later Keith and I ran to another BRU location and picked up the remaining items. Along with dinner from the Byerly's deli.

Today woke up and let Keith sleep in. Took care of Miss Emma and got the family on our way to the east metro. Visited the step-mom at work and got Emma's birth certificate taken care of. Then to the doctors. Needless to say the search for the ped. is still in progress. So today we saw a NP. She was odd.... Emma is back up to 2 oz shy of her birth weight. She dropped down to 9lb as of Monday so this is great! All is well in baby health land as of right now. Then on to Linner (lunch/dinner) at one of our favorite resturants. Made our way to Target then home. Not too bad of a day so far.

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