Wednesday, May 6, 2009

He is home

Well we got the dog. He cost $80.43. All I can say is Happy b-day Wyatt.

I almost was not allowed to leave the doctors office yesterday. Was having too many contractions. It got bad when I was driving home. I should of went back. They subsided after going to bed and lots of water. It started up again today but not near the severity of yesterday. I am really going to slack the next 6 wks if this keeps up.

This really sucks for we have too much to do.

Keith also got the official word that they are shut down 4th of July week. Unpaid. Still on 32 hour weeks it is really hurting us right now since I can not get OT. Wish I could get Ro to rent a room.

If anyone wants to get things for the baby we can

Huggies Soft Skin Wipes
Either Pamper Swaddlers or Huggies comfort weave size 1 diapers
Soothie BPA free bottles (sold at wal*mart)
Target gift cards

Now to bed I need my rest.

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