Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Avoid a hospital

Not to far from where I live is a hospital in the past has recommended people avoid. Well it is official their stupidity caused a death of some one I know child.

What happened is this person went in to have their child at 37 weeks. Full term no known issues. Well the child was stressed inutro so the heart rate started decelerating. Very common. Infact happened with my son when I had him. So after a try with forceps, a practice that has been stopped for the most part to cerbyl pulsy being the result of use. They did a c-section. All went fine til they cut the cord. The child could not take a breath. They tryed intbating him. Three diffrent medical professionals. The child died. They attempted to tell the family that the childs lungs must of not formed correctly.

Come a week later. The optopsy that they were told would take 6 wks only took a few days. Result.... the child was perfect! Nothing wrong but the fact that the medical professionals did not remove the mercomun (aka bowlel movement). There for by trying to intbating him compacted the bowlel movement and sufcating him. I am sorry to say it is very common when a child inutro is under stress it will have it's first bowel movement inutro. So common they suction and all is fine. So do to those ding bats a child has died. I feel so bad for the family.

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