Thursday, May 7, 2009

So sore

So the day started out with the fussy one waking early due to tooth pain. Gave him some motrin and strait back to bed. Then when it was time to wake he did not want to. But when he woke up finally he was so well behaved and ready to go out the door. But during that time the dog ran away. Some one opened our gate. He was back by 7:30am.

I started work and had lots of back pain and cramping. Drank lots of water did not go away. Drank more, did not go away. Then when I was ready to call the doctors, I got an email. Mandatory meeting. My boss sent me an IM seeing if I got the message. Told her what was going on. Made it thru the meeting. There was a layoff. 20 jobs. Needless to say all the petty whineing that went on made it last longer that it should. Drank more water and could take it no longer. Called the doctors and got ordered in. Called the supervizor and informed her I had to go. Got there did a Non Stress test and no contractions thank god. On tuesday I had quite a few to the point of the nurse not wanting to let me go. They then did a urine dip test, UTI. So another round of anit-biotics for me. Now just need the pain to go away. If I am not better with-in 24 hours back in for me.

Got home and Wyatt made me a card and got roses for me. It was so cute and he was so excited. Tried to take it easy. Ate dinner. Then started the fussy one to bed. "Potty , potty!" he proclaimed. This has happend many times but with no result at home. So did the normal diaper strip. He sat on the potty. Then we got a book. I had to read it 3 times at his request but he went! Made me so happy. Helped a bad day get better.

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