Saturday, December 27, 2008

I am done!

No more x-mas parties/family obligations! I am now done. The worst one was today. Had to go to the FIL's house. First off he lured us down there under false pretenses. To set up his new tv. Get down there it is set up. We had to tweak it... but nothing that would of required that much time. Lies! Then we ran to the mall to radio shack and target to get an antenna for their other new tv. Then had to pick up something to eat... the fil contently changed his mind from going out to eat for lunch to lousy pizzas that I could not stand to eat. The thought nauseated me. So got some Boston Market sides. And the girl gave me 10% off! Bonus! Brought it back. Then his trouphy wife tells me from looking at my lunch. "oh at least you will be able to eat potatoes." For they knew that with this pregnancy meat is one thing that is hard for me to eat. It makes me sick. She was wrong. She made spuds with so much sour cream in it the hash browns were floating. Both Keith and I were disgusted. So my dinner was a roll and corn. Wywy got all John Deer shit! I can handle one thing but seriously three and one he can not play with due to the small parts. I have a fealing that some things will be ditched at the cabin. One is so big and he already has a dump truck like it. Ugh too many big toys. Wywy still loves his piggies. But at least once a day he trys to go Ozzy on one of them. Mmmmm pig heads.

Also made a quick stop to the great grandparents. I am really sad that we could not stay longer. For it was Wywys bed time and it showed. Must go see them soon again. For I love them.. now the Fil ......

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I couldn't eat meat the 2nd time around either.