Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is a good weekend?

So Saturday stared out as any normal saturday. Wyatt slept in til his normal time. All was well. Then got a call from the in-laws they were going to come down. This made me so happy. Dan and Keith worked on the porch. Sandi and I went to BRU. Got a few more cases of diapers for both and some formula. Makes me feel better to have it. A target run for all the items we forgot. Keith and Dan got the cealing and soffts done. Now just to hope he can come down to help soon again.

Sunday both Keith and I woke up exhausted. We do not know why. Fussy slept in. We went to bed at normal time. Maybe too much work the day prior. I had to watch/play with the fussy one while Keith mowed the lawn. Needless to say this kicked my ass. Then got the fussy one lunch and to nap. Ran to Kohls and returned crap. Had to get gas with no $. Then came home and got a 30 min nap. Woke up... feeling worse. Had to yell at Keith to take the fussy one outside. After taking care of every need of the child after waking up. Normaly not an issue but with being so exhausted......Got the child dinner. Had to give him a bath and to bed. Now watching the new season of Ice Road truckers, in the us. Bed will be soon.

I am just so mad to go back to work. The illness of the fussy one last week made it so I got nothing accomplished. I just hope the up coming work week will an easy one.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The project that will never end....

So after a rough night woke up and made the way to the DMV. I can now drive my car again for another year. Made my way to J.C. Penny and got a replacement chain. Went to Getto-mart and picked up some more clips to finish hanging up the kids clothing. Well now I have run out of hangers. Ugh.... It just will not end. Today Keith got to take the fussy one for his well check. I am just too exhausted....Hope that comes out ok.

Also figured out this kido needs bottoms for 0-3 mo and onezies/bottoms/and dresses in 3-6. No more newborn or 0-3 mo items are needed. Now just to get formula and more Oh and food for the rest of us.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A better day for all. (ok execpt Keith)

So today started with a fussy one who did not want to wake up. I think he enjoyed sleeping in the past few days. Had to be removed from his bed. Kept hearing "no" from my bed. So I got up to help. Manged to get the gigglesauras to come out. Off they went. Ate some food and back to bed for I. Woke up after my nap so groggy. Took a shower got dressed and headed off. Decided to stop by the DMV today for my tabs. Got in the place a relaized I did not have my check book. So I got the hell out and picked up a Java Chip Frap.... so groggy still. Drove out to Woodbury. Went to BRU and got a few more items. Must go back tmrw. for that is when some coupons start. Then a quick run to Mc'Ds for lunch. Went to my doctors appoitment. She is already measuring 5lb 5oz...... Hope she comes at 37 weeks if this keeps up, lol. Then after my appointment went up to the mat. ward of the hosipital. Went and saw my friend Jenell and her new son Alexander. She was doing so well for a C-section. While visiting her found out they made some huge changes for the better. Like insted of having two choices for dinner you have a room service menu. You can call any time during the open hours and order what ever you want! Needless to say we were so geeked about that. Had a very nice visit. Then made my way home. Fussy had an good day at daycare but a bit cranky in the afternoon. Gave him dinner and a bath and to bed with him. But now he is fussing. Keith had a ok day. Had to drive with out a/c again. So he is now working to try and fix that. Also got Wyatt's bag ready for when sistor comes. Now just to work on our stuff, lol. Also should try and find our car seat and get that ready. For tmrw. is 34 weeks and she could come as soon as 37.... and I am slow these days. So a task a day is about my pace...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

what is with people....

Ok I know I have been having a bad week. That is me. But what is going on with other people. Sent Keith and the fussy one to culvers for dinner. I needed a break and thought it would be a nice treat for them both. Well he took my car. Not an issue normaly. But my wallet had fallen out of my purse. So had to call them and figure out what culvers they went to so I could go to target to get the items for Wyatt. Ran to the culvers and got it.

On the way to target people were driving a bit insane. Fine. Got thru target. Went to chipolte for my dinner. They were out of chicken. People were bitching up a storm. What ever... got my steak. Got rung up and it was $2.00 less than normal, sweet! This made me happy. Then the drive home is where it went to hell. On a straitaway I had some one almost sheer of the front of my car for they could not wait two seconds for me to pass. Then they were making a left turn in a diffucult area and had to wait, and wait. Fine. So it comes time for me to turn on the main road. I a right, well another person making a left cut me off. Then had to make a turn in to the area I just was, ugh what ever. I just wanted to get home to eat. So made my way across 65. Not an issue. But once I crossed the road to the holiday.... some one darted out in front of me again. Missed them by a foot! What the hell is with people! Got home and Wy was extra fussy. He did not get a full nap today. After 20 min of screaming on his end got to eat my food.

Now just to hope I win the powerball jackpot tonight. Can make my life and the lives of others a bit better.

Also to note my canadian acquaintance has after two years got her refferal for adoption of twin boys from china. I wish her luck.

Better Wy

So after speaking to the nurse yesterday per their request, I brought Wy in to the doctors today. So he woke up today fever still around. Quite a bit less 100.6 with out meds. Crap.... was hopeing that he woke up with none. So brought him in. No meds for the fever. They take his temp... 97.1 ! UGH! Makes me mad. Wasted the gas and the copay. I only brought him in per their request. So he will be going back to daycare tmrw. I am glad he is better but mad that the temp disapated after we got to the doctors.

Also I am angry at an aquantace. I have told them multiple times not to call my home prior to 9 am, regardless if I am working or not. She called at 7:45 am! On my day off from work. Not just one phone, but both my home and cell. Needless to say I called back and gave her an ear full. Then to top it all off she called when I was attempting to take a nap this afternoon. Needless to say they are on my shit list.

Now I am awaiting for the hub to come home. We need to make a run to target for some items to keep the fussy one hydrated and encourage him to eat. He lost over a pound and a half with this illiness. Ugh.... Such is life.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sick wy...

So I was returned a vomit covered child with a 103 fever. The pain reliever brought it down to 101 now. He came in and layed on the floor. Ran and got him pedilite and now he is in bed. ...... I am not looking fwd. to tmrw. He will be staying home. I will also have to call the doctors office.......... for he has been sick for a few days. So much for resting tmrw.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I have to put this down somewhere. I am going insane with all the sorting I have done this weekend.

Need no more gowns or newborn clothing.
Need no more 0-3 mo clothing for the most part.

Need more 0-3 mo onesies.
Need more 3-6 mo onesies.
Need any 6-9 mo onesies.
Need 3-6 mo jeans.
Need 3-6 mo dresses.

I broke down today and removed all the tags and separated the clothing we have. I had to do it for my own sanity. I can not let the death of some one elses child prevent me from moving on with my life. It helped in its own way. Now just to give birth to a healthly baby girl.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New house rule

It may seam lame, but after spending over 1/2 hr sorting thur the sock drawer..... If you feel the need to by my children socks please buy either Ciro or Old Navy socks with the size on the bottoms. Also that was the fussy one dose not get socks cramed on to his feet that are too tight.

Thanks the greatful house management.

Friday, May 22, 2009


So this morning Keith was packing clothes for the fussy one to go up north. I got told that "Wyatt has no clothes that are not pjs or long sleeves." Geese I say that for shits and giggles? Good thing I have some clothes on order ( :

Thursday, May 21, 2009

One more day!

Tomorrow it will be my last day of working til June 1st. I am taking off some time now to rest. It has been getting hard to function during the day with out naps. That is a luxury that I have lost this time around. So let 12:15 of friday come fast!

This weekend I hope to get some sewing done. We will see how much progress happens on that. But hell I am broke so what choice do I have.

Still trying to figure out what we need to get for the baby.

So far we have some bottles...
Nipples (for ready to use Enfamil Bottles)

Still need to get more burp cloths
more Formula (enfamil premium) but still holding out hope for coupons for none have shown.
More size one diapers
Food for us
gerber jersy knit crib sheets

Four more weeks and baby could be here. ...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Avoid a hospital

Not to far from where I live is a hospital in the past has recommended people avoid. Well it is official their stupidity caused a death of some one I know child.

What happened is this person went in to have their child at 37 weeks. Full term no known issues. Well the child was stressed inutro so the heart rate started decelerating. Very common. Infact happened with my son when I had him. So after a try with forceps, a practice that has been stopped for the most part to cerbyl pulsy being the result of use. They did a c-section. All went fine til they cut the cord. The child could not take a breath. They tryed intbating him. Three diffrent medical professionals. The child died. They attempted to tell the family that the childs lungs must of not formed correctly.

Come a week later. The optopsy that they were told would take 6 wks only took a few days. Result.... the child was perfect! Nothing wrong but the fact that the medical professionals did not remove the mercomun (aka bowlel movement). There for by trying to intbating him compacted the bowlel movement and sufcating him. I am sorry to say it is very common when a child inutro is under stress it will have it's first bowel movement inutro. So common they suction and all is fine. So do to those ding bats a child has died. I feel so bad for the family.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Back to bad.....

Today just sucked! Morning started out ok. Wy was in a great mood. Thought this may start out my day well. WRONG. Work was lousy. Had a computer crash situation that did not last long enough but still caused issues. Feeling bad I did not take off the day to spend with Wyatt. For it was his b-day today. Sandi came over on her luch to seal flowers, lilacs. If you do not know I have 7 diffrent types on my property so far. She noticed some one opened our gate again. Now we know it is some one in the morning did it. Ran out the door to pick up Wy from day care. He was still sleeping. So needless to say he was a bit hairy. Ran to Fridley for the urlogist. Had to hike carrying Wy thru the parking lot. Then 1/2 across the building. I thought it was closer than it was. Then when I was regretting the fact I had no stroller.. walked in to the waiting room. It was the size of my dineing room if you cut it off at the bainster. With so many chairs cramed in there. Made me glad that I had no stroller. Waited in line in this cramed room. When I got to the window got told to have a seat for it would be a few min. Problem is she did not take my info. She was just too busy with her own shit. Then got called backup. Noticed my checkcard was now missing. Luckly had another mean to pay the copay. Then waited, and waited. 30 min after what was to be the start of our appointment it started. Then got told oh we are going to put this cream on that will take 45 min to make it numb. So they slaped it on and thank god I brought my big bag for I had to entertain him. I almost lost my mind. He was crabby still from his nap being intrupted. Made it. Then had to hold him down while the cut it off. His cyst that he got due to his circ. 1/37 chance and he had it. Still glad he had a circ. Hard to do when in pain, exhausted, and heavely pregers. Thank god I got the arms. It was easy. The man part was keeping his hands down so he did not sit up or play with the tools. During that time Keith called. Let it go to voice mail. By the end and the trek back to the car I was wiped out. He has to go back in two weeks. Keith gets to do that one on his own. On the way back called the bank and reported my card missing. Got told it will take 7-10 days. Shit! Like you can survie with a checkbook for that long the way checks have gone. Ugh... Then Keith came home in a mood. The day just unravled.

We ended up getting Wing Joint for dinner for Wy always likes that. Then a run to target to exchange pjs and buy neosporin for Wy's junk. The pjs were a pain. Found the right ones. They were no longer on sale so had to go back to the customer service desk to get that fixed. Wy was in a good mood the whole time. Then got home. Gave him some cake. While Keith was installing the curtin rod in the fussy ones room. He got all pissy and fustrated. Thank god they are in. But he attempted to put up the curtins while I was changing the fussy ones diaper. I almost killed him. For I started it when he was not in the room. Had to keep my self from sucker punching him. The fussy one went to bed so well. I jus thope he sleeps the night thru tonight. Now I am feeling lousy, pain and tummy. Time for bed. Tmrw. needs to be better..... Many other things happend but do I care....

Also no more balls please! Wyatt got his 3 football today from some one.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Last night I ended up sleeping on the couch. Was mad at Keith and felt lousy. The fussy one awoke way too early for a weekend 6:30 am. Ugh..... So we both got up. He noticed at that time that I was not in bed all night. We got the kid situated. Ate a small breakfast of fruit. Then the fussy one watched a cartoon on his new fish. Keith then thought of his original timing of going down to his fathers and the fact that Wy really did not get a nap the day before. Then stated we would go after the fussy ones nap. This made me so happy. Ment a shorter visit. And sorry to pregers to entertain the fussy one when Keith and his dad wonders off. Plus the guy is not my favorite person in the world.

Then started chatting with Jess on FB then yahoo this morning. What can we say FB chat was sucking. Ended up meeting her at Starbucks and playing scone and coffee fairy. Had a nice chat. Then made my way home with the remaining beverage to share with the hub. Figure I better bring something back since he let me escape. Found him and the fussy one playing out side. Had fun with them. Then made our way back in. Took a shower then watched a bit of Tv and passed out on the couch due to a night of lousy sleep. Woke up to Keith offering to make something good for lunch. Entertained the fussy one and then we had a nice lunch. He off to bed me off to relax.

Keith could no longer wait to go to his dads. Woke up the fussy one. Made our way. Picked up his sistor and BIL. Then found out that his cousin and his wife were coming over. Keep in mind his cousin is the same age a Keiths mom. Had a lousy dinner. Then it was getting late. Ended up telling Keith it was time to get moving. And we did within 15 min. A new record. 3 hrs for the total visit. Now home... time to raid my kitchen for real food!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good and angry

So my friday did not go well. After picking up the fussy one we went to Mendards. The plan was for I to buy a mirror for our bathroom to help finish it. Wyatt did not want to sit in the cart. After much protest he finally did. Then we get to the isle and as I attempt to put the mirror in the cart. I can't due to the size. Keith starts having a shit fit about the cost. WTF it is my $ and I knew the cost. He seriously thru a min-trantrum. I almost wanted to kill him. I think the 32 hr wks are getting to him. Then Wy got fussy and was being a little shit. We were all at one another jugulars. Needless to say left angry with no mirror. Went home and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Baked the cake. And to bed angry.

Today.... woke up angry. Started working on the frosting and the cake. Then Keith discovered one of his fittings on the plumming failed. No good. So he got pissy. Then he was pissy at both Wy and I for no reason. I could no longer take it told him I have my own problems right now. I was told that I should not compain about the cake. I chucked the giltter gell in fustration. That ended fast. Finished the cake, not to my liking. Started cleaning. The MIL was to have come and help me clean. They showed up after I had 1/2 the kitchen cleaned by my self. Not normaly an issue but I have been pushing my self too much the past few days in preperation for today. Got asked where I needed help. Told her the bathroom and she went to work. Ro showed early and I was glad. Got Wing Joint for lunch and all were happy.

People arived late. But not too suprized on that one. The starbucks fairy made a visit. I was so glad I was so wiped. Did the b-day party routine. Wyatt got alot of balls, please no more people. A giant fish we do not know where we can put it. Along with many asorted items. People left.....

Ro and I went to BRU and our favorie grocery store. Then she had to go home. *sigh* Then I found out the FIL is taking over my day tmrw. What was to be a lunch and get toghter for Wy's bday has now turned in to, suck up my whole day and dinner. Not too happy. And Keith is too much of a puss right now to say no. It is boring every time we go. A short visit is ok. But the whole day. Ugh! The kid needs a nap. Sunday is the day we need to get every thing finished. Especialy when today was dovted to working on this party. Ughhh!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Not as bad as I thought.....

So I knew the day would not be the best. We are working on a recovery report that involves tons of research and working with a vendor product. This would not be so hard but what is to be done keeps changing every 15 min so it is hard to get a handle on. Or keep ones self from wanting to strangle others. Then I was unable to wake up. Luckily the Starbucks fairy visited again. I am going to need to buy the Starbucks fairy a gift card..... That woke me up so I could cope with the task at hand. Took a shower on my lunch. Then picked up the fussy one. He was well behaved but did not want to go. Such a faker. Soon as the door was opened he was happy. Got home and Keith was home already! Shock! Threw the spuds in the oven. Then the steaks on the grill. With some cut up watermellon it was a good dinner. Then a bath for the fussy one. Played for a bit, then to bed. He did hop out of bed but had good reason. "butt mom" So got him a new diaper and back to bed. Now all the windows are open to cool the house... such nice weather. Now only if Keith would of left to go buy shoes. ......

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Ok so Keiths shoes have been falling apart since Feb. They have needed to be replaced since Dec. We have been looking. Kohls shoes have gotten very cheaply made and more expensive. Fleet Farm has nothing he has liked. Bought him a pair at Herbergers that he claimed were too big and was forced to return them. He refused to try on a diffrent size for he thought they were to spensive. They were $90 shoes I got for $60. All he had to do was exchange them. Now yesterday I told him that he needed to go to Sears tonight to look. Now he refuses. Whineing more than the fussy one. "I don't want to make a special trip" sorry if we got to Sears it is a special trip 5 miles up the fucking road. "I don't want to leave the house" WTF are you pregers or sick NO! UGHGHHH! I know right now we are a bit tight but this has been going on too damm long. And do you think I am going to be sitting in a store with him and a two year old helping him look for shoes, hell no. Too pregers.....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Odd but good

Friday started out attempting to log in to work... no luck. Called the help desk. Spent 4 hours plus waiting for a call back. Finally 4 hrs 45 min in to it. I was dismissed for they day. With pay
This made me so happy. I needed the rest after the week I had. We ran to lunch. Target, picked up the fussy one. Then walmart and home depot. We got the new shitter and vanity top.

Saturday. The fussy one woke up way too early. 6:30 am when we are use to a 8am wake up on the weekends. We had breakfast then made our way to Lowes for the faucet. Got there and changed our mind on the one we were going to get for one was on clearance for $40 compared to $80. Went to home depot again... forgot a few things... no luck they were all out. But the toilet, faucet, and vanity top are all installed. Got a call from the inlaws they wanted to take the fussy one. We complied and then took a shower. By the time we were done it was to late to go out for dinner where we wanted. Found another place. Had a nice meal and went to bed.

Today. Woke up late. It was nice. One of the first nights in a long time I was able to sleep the whole night thru. We both woke up and were lazy. Ate breakfast.... then Keith left to his moms. I stayed home to relax. It was so nice. Then got a call that they were on their way back. Got dressed and the MIL and FIL brought me a Magnola tree. Now just to remove our dogwood tree. Then after they left we went to babies r us and cup and cone. Got home and watched some fish on nature. Fussy but liked it. Now the day is winding down it is time for bed. This mothers day alot better than last year.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

So sore

So the day started out with the fussy one waking early due to tooth pain. Gave him some motrin and strait back to bed. Then when it was time to wake he did not want to. But when he woke up finally he was so well behaved and ready to go out the door. But during that time the dog ran away. Some one opened our gate. He was back by 7:30am.

I started work and had lots of back pain and cramping. Drank lots of water did not go away. Drank more, did not go away. Then when I was ready to call the doctors, I got an email. Mandatory meeting. My boss sent me an IM seeing if I got the message. Told her what was going on. Made it thru the meeting. There was a layoff. 20 jobs. Needless to say all the petty whineing that went on made it last longer that it should. Drank more water and could take it no longer. Called the doctors and got ordered in. Called the supervizor and informed her I had to go. Got there did a Non Stress test and no contractions thank god. On tuesday I had quite a few to the point of the nurse not wanting to let me go. They then did a urine dip test, UTI. So another round of anit-biotics for me. Now just need the pain to go away. If I am not better with-in 24 hours back in for me.

Got home and Wyatt made me a card and got roses for me. It was so cute and he was so excited. Tried to take it easy. Ate dinner. Then started the fussy one to bed. "Potty , potty!" he proclaimed. This has happend many times but with no result at home. So did the normal diaper strip. He sat on the potty. Then we got a book. I had to read it 3 times at his request but he went! Made me so happy. Helped a bad day get better.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

He is home

Well we got the dog. He cost $80.43. All I can say is Happy b-day Wyatt.

I almost was not allowed to leave the doctors office yesterday. Was having too many contractions. It got bad when I was driving home. I should of went back. They subsided after going to bed and lots of water. It started up again today but not near the severity of yesterday. I am really going to slack the next 6 wks if this keeps up.

This really sucks for we have too much to do.

Keith also got the official word that they are shut down 4th of July week. Unpaid. Still on 32 hour weeks it is really hurting us right now since I can not get OT. Wish I could get Ro to rent a room.

If anyone wants to get things for the baby we can

Huggies Soft Skin Wipes
Either Pamper Swaddlers or Huggies comfort weave size 1 diapers
Soothie BPA free bottles (sold at wal*mart)
Target gift cards

Now to bed I need my rest.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Just is not getting better.

So after ripping out my hair due to split ends I went to Jcp this weekend and got the hair taken care of. Now I can brush my hair not in pain. Just have to figure out how to pay for that when the bill comes. At least that will be next month. Took longer than I expected. When I got home we had guests that I did not know were going to be here. They played rock band and left shortly after I got home.

Saturday the fussy one was fussy. But made it thru. Went up to Jessie and Dawns up in Shaffer. Had fun but had to leave around 10. For we brought the kid with for they were to have their kids there. But they were not. The fussy one was so well behaved. Justins sistor Jenny loved him. She was impressed on how easy he was. I am just glad we left when we did. I had to drive home. I hate driving on Hwy 8 at night. Not the greatest strech of road. Especialy when sleapy. Keith almost passed out sleaping on the way home. He went strait to bed, and I took care of the fussy one who woke up during my snack. Slept lousy.

Sunday I was awoken by the boys. Not too happy since this happend at 7:30 am! I could not fall asleap til 1 am at best. Then woke up a bunch of times. Gurrrr. Made food and then did the things of the day we need to do. Put the fussy one down for a nap. I went down for a nap. Keith finishe the grout. Woke up and asked where the dog was. Keith said he was out side. Called him and he did not come. Gave up and asked Keith if the gates were shut. He said yes. Went and called the dog again. Nothing. When we got outside all the gates were closed no dog. Seached for him and then went to Ginas house for the gathering. We opended the gate just incase he came home. Got home nothing. Seached around again. Nothing. Called the sherif and some one grabed him. A block away! Gurr! The cop called us. Got told he was halled over to Maplewood. To a place that has no weekend hours. Now we wait for a call/them to be open. Just so pissed. For all we can think of is that some shit head kid let out our dog and shut the gate. For he is not a jumper and no dig outs or broken areas of our fense.

Last night slept lousy again. *sigh* I want to go back to bed.