Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting sick of this.....

So I have many things I need to get done with in the next 5 weeks. Problem is they all involve $. It is becoming a root cause of so much stress in my life. Besides our $ troubles, several family members are too. It just makes me sad. We all try so hard and no progress is ever made. *sigh*

Bad Lauren

So after having pieces of my mat. clothing fall apart I went and spent $ I did not have so I can have pants. *sigh*

Monday, April 27, 2009

So broke.

At least I can honestly say this is out of my control. I only helped it along by $30.00 at best. So the new daycare required a deposit. Two weeks of a deposit plus had to pre-pay for the first week of care. So a good $330 down the tubes. No way I could of planed for that. Oh and the deposit applies to the last two weeks of care! Then on sunday had to go to babies r'us. Needed diapers. With the store coupon plus others I had so much cheaper than target. By the time 3 cases of diapers, one pack of overnights.... a potty training item... a small thing of forumla, we got over the $100.00 mark. We have almost no washcloths either. So went to Jo-ann and bough some material to try and make some. The only reason I did that was I refuse to pay the price they want for them. Let's see how they turn out. The reason I say I helped out by $30.00 was a moment of weekness. I in the land of pregers required Wing Joint for dinner. Nothing to cook fast around here and chores kept me away from home longer than I expected. Also the Jo-ann trip is included in that amount. *Sigh* At least the ear infection is on it's way out. Just trying to figure out how I can earn extra cash when over time has been cut and Keith is still @ 32 hr weeks.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Catch up

So... Monday was the day of doom. Had my ob appointment. Passed the GD test this time! Then got bad news. They saw that one of the baby's ventricles was enlarged. Got the news I was being referred to the specialist. Then I had to put on a happy face and go tour two day cares. I was quite ill. Made it thru and almost collapsed. So exhausted, stressed, and ill. Had no appetite.

Tuesday did the back and fourth game of waiting for the ob to send over the order and the specialist nurse team determine what type of appointment is needed. Justin at the office called me back. Think he likes me, even though you know for sure I am not his type. If you know what I mean.

Wed. was the trip to the smoke/white trash daycare. Need I say more.

Thursday was trying to arrange another visit to a day care.

Friday was the big day. Went to the specialist. All went well. Had a great doctor this time. All came out clear. There might of been a blockage, or just I mis-reading of that ultrasound on monday. But I saw the enlarged ventricle, so I think I was A. Either way so happy that baby looked ok, and is up past 3 lbs. Right on track and healthy.

Today went to another day care. Keiths urging. They had a pit bull that they let play with the kids all day. And they admited that he was protective of the children. RED FLAG. Regardless of the bread. And the house reaked like dog. I still can't smell much of anything. It made me sick. So that made the choice of the daycare to pick easy. Now he will be going to a place near, if we stay here ... his school. Still dealing with an ear infection and illiness... not fun. Also got my ot cut to nothing.

Still need to go buy diapers for we are almost out. Also need to figure out how to deal with the deposit for the new place. Ugh.............

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Added stress

Well my computer bit the dust for now. Power supply died. So now no puter for me...... So mad just steps away from ordering a mini....the only reason is $$$ So much to buy with baby coming & Keiths wages/hours being cut. I just sick of feeling so out of control. It is because of others actions my life has been put in to the whirl wind it is currently is. Just trying to figure out on how to get a grasp on the situation. For it is only I who can fix things.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Progress on the wrong things..

So got shot down on a few options for daycare this summer.

Managed to order the swing I wanted. Now just to hope that it shows up in one piece. One more major item off the list. Now just get some things like bottles, formula, .... ect. But they are all alot smaller in price. Thank god. Ok diapers may come close, lol.

Found out today that Wyatt is allergic to amoxcillin. The rash is starting to go away. Just glad for that.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Daycare lost

Yes the second time this year we are loosing our daycare. The last day in 5-1. She is throwing Wyatt under the bus due to her cousins kids needing care. For she is loosing her daycare to reasons out of her control. Her reasoning was that Wyatt was the newest kid. But he is not. She has taken on two other kids since his arrival. She will be confronted on this today. So we must do the quick search for daycare for two children. It was hell last time.

Also spent the night waking up in coughing fits with the cough syrup I am allowed to take. So today I am quite jaded. Just getting mad at the situations others keep putting me in.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Better and worse

I got the cold. Felt lousy for the past few days. Yea I get to go to the ENT. Boo to one of their other offices. I got to find that one now. Nothing of great interest has happened. Still dreaming of a mini... Missed out on working ot due to this cold. Easter was lousy at the MIL's. All I can say is a rated R movie is not good for 2 yr olds. Had 2 solid nights with out Wyatt throwing up due to the coughing. Now if I could only keep sleeping due to this cold.

Wondering about things we need to stock up on for the coming baby. Also wondering about items that others said they would buy. Ugh. So much to do and so little $ to do it with.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Last night was not fun. Ok so it was. But not for fussy butt. He tossed his cookies due to a coughing jag. But auntie and uncle took good care of him and no other issue. We got to go bowling for free for some on elses b-day party. I some how became the hit of the party due to two coupons. Got to meet a few new nice people. We will have to see if we ever see them again. Liz did not show up. Hummmm. Atttempted to call her @ Jasons request and no answer. Needless to say she was not that missed.

Wywy woke up at 8 this morning. Found the egg trail that led to his easter basket. He had so much fun. He got to eat one piece of candy and a doughnut for breakfast. Played with us and now is taking a early nap. Soon as he wakes we will make the great voyage to the north land. Just happy that we get roast beef for our meal insted of damm ham! Then the venue switch to making maple syrp.

So exhausted today. Maybe Starbucks will be in our future.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


So the bathroom is painted for the most part. Just a few touch up spots. Now to work on the tile. Must speak to the old man on that one. Soon as that is done we can get our toilet and vanity top! Wahoooooo!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We did a bad, bad thing....

Could not take the stress of the week. Our child was taken from us for the eve. So we went out to Outback and split a steak. For we know we should of not gone out for dinner. But I figured that Keith needed it for the stress that was put on him this week.

Now I sit up stairs resting due to some pain. Keith is putting on the primer. Must keep away from the fumes.


Well I have managed to stress my self out very good. One of the conversations Keith and I had yesterday was how screwed we be if I lost my job. Do not get me wrong if either of us lost our jobs we would be screwed. But with mine the health insurance is tied to. And if I even got a new job right away we would still be screwed due to the cost of insurance thru a prospective employer or thru his. We would be hemorrhaging $. Nothing like the added stress of being the bread-winner. Especially now with Keiths hours being cut down. True he made more but with the benefits it equals out or infact exceeds his wages. I just do not like the feeling associated with it. I know we are not the only ones in this situation. But it can feel like it.

Trying to eliminate as much stress as I can today. Stress is so not healthy. Keith called and maybe picking up kido. So that may mean I can take a nap. For kido has awoken me every night the past 5 days. Still trying to figure out how I am going to accomplish all the things prior to this child coming with the income lacking. Hummm make Ro move in?

I did at least register for the hospital today. At least something was accomplished.

Full moon

So it is that time of the month again. And all is going wrong. Keith found out that 1/2 of his department got laid off. Yes half. Many other areas of the co. got hit. Looks like friday closure will continue for a long while. One of the people who was laid off was told that there is no sales prospect for the next year. That was the head sales man who said this. That is no good. It only means that things will get worse unless the sales men get going. One of their competers just closed. Also part of this is 3 weeks of unpaid closures. And of course they will not be in a row so we will not be able to apply for unemployment. The first week is near my due date.

So needless to say last eve. was full of stress. To top it all off... we attempted to go pick up things at supertarget. Keiths car had a flat. Unrepairiable. So that will mean we need to buy two new tires when things are getting tight. So we go in my car. The tranmission shifted realy hard. So we will have to scrimp for $ for parts. We made it to target and even after $10.00 in coupons and making it a light trip we still spent $80. *sigh* And now looking in the fridge this morning I noticed a few key items were forgotten. Another trip.

The fussy one went back to daycare today at the urging of the provider. So I hope I do not get a call today to pick him up. Especialy since I was told that every one has that cold. And she is also closed tmrw. So after spending $140 for what will be two days of care this week....gurr...... I am just glad her rates will be droping in May. Of course if Keiths work continues the way it is he may be droped down to 4 days a week to save $. After the bathroom and pourch is finished ( :

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Keeps getting worse.

Well Wywy's temp increased so much he saw the doctor again today. We made it up to 104. *sigh*
On the way home from the doctors Keith got a text message stating there was a layoff at this employer. No news if he was one of them due to he had the day off due to our sick child.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The economy came to get us

So it is official. Keith's work is cut down to 32 hours a week now. This will hurt a bit. Better than no job but still stings. I inquired about more overtime but I can not get any more that I am currently allowed due to I am still on a learning curve on my new work. After that depending on how well I perform there may be a possibility. But that learning curve may not be done til I go on mat. leave. Then when I return to work I will be put back on a learning curve again. Ugh..... Standard practice when you are out for 8 weeks.

Progress on getting ready for baby. Still trying to figure out what to do for bottles this time. If we go with what we did before I will need to order ones from online. The swing may be on hold til the last moment due to the job situation. Also need a bit more clothing and non-pink girlish blankets. Still wish that my car seat would disappear so I could get a more girly one. In purple! Oh well worse things are a brewing .

Weekend was a waste. Friday was a bad hair cut time for Wyatt and we did not get home from the mil's house til 10 pm. Then saturday was a blur. Did get some Olive garden, with out protest from the Keith one. Sunday we had to go to a pancake breakfast that sucked! Then Leah, Rob and I sat around for the next 3 hours doing nothing while Keith upgraded the computer. Then that breakfast made Leah and I feel ill. I had to come home and nap. I felt that lousy. What a fucking waste of my time. Made a quick run to Fleet Farm and that was it.

Now I just hope this week passes fast. I need a weekend. Just not looking fwd. to Easter. I don't want to spend time with anyone!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Getting closer ( :

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker


Well some progress was made last night. Most of the bathroom mud was sanded down. But there are a few nails that need a few more layers. So we have to do that then we can prime, and paint. I can't do the priming part. But the paint is low VOC so I should be ok. I have to do the paint part also due to the fact that Keith can not paint a wall with out painting things that should not be painted.

Fussy butt had a rough night. He woke up 3 times. 1st time screaming at his door (very odd for him) opened the door "i potty'd". Praised him for letting me know and assured him he did not need to cry. Changed his diaper and back to bed. He was so sweet. Then again he was crying but not at the door this time. Asked him "did you go potty" he nodded yes and once again changed his diaper. Again she was very sweet about every thing. So getting my self ready for bed after the sanding had stoped. Again he woke up. Same routine and a sippy this time added in he finaly slept the rest of the night. Sad part is I hope this keeps up. For I can not wait for this little guy to be potty trained ( : and he is showing many good signs of being ready.

Now we are to Thursday. *sigh* Why could it not be friday. Oh wait.... Saturday. For Friday is full of many chores to be done. No rest for the wicked.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Babies R' Us Sucks!

Ok visited my second location this week. They were out of the swing that I wanted. E.T.A 3 weeks and they would not let me pre-order. So I am out of luck at this point. Then the broad would not let me use all my coupons. Gurrr! I do not know what is going on with them but I do not like it.

I was right

Jess purged her blog, and is now purging her facebook. Claims it is for her own sanity. I hope some if any good can come of this. Just makes me feel a bit uneasy.

WTF Missing?

Well it looks like Jess deleted her blog. Hummm no good can come of this.