Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is cool but way out of my game.

Duo Stroller


So yesterday picked up the dog license. Got the kido from day care and we went to Babies r Us. We needed some items. So we went thru the store. First item out. Item 2 out. Every thing we looked for they were out. WTF? But the kido was so well behaved so that made the trip ok. Got home Keith was the fussy one of the day. What ever. He got over his self and had fun with the kido while I made dinner. Then we had to figure out what to do with the whole remote situation. So it was decided that we'd all go to Home depot. Did not seam too thrilled with that idea but what ever. Told him Wy could stay up a few min. past his bed time. So we went. Of course they could not find the remote. So they gave us a new one off the shelf. Fine, I just hope it works. So we walked around and all went well til we left. Wy melted down when he saw the race car and he could not play with it. Then Keith got all pissy. Great. Wy was a little shit in the car but his retalitaion was squashed with a game of Apple Banna. But Keith remained pissy for the rest of the night. Woke up this morning to the crappy weather. Wy gained a new word at the breakfast table "icky". Keith got all pissy again this morning. He did get the door slamed when he left this morning.

They are going to possibly cut down their hours at his work down to 32. But no E.T.A when that may happen. But that has happened in the past and has not effectied him.

Also our old day care now may have a spot. Ugh.... do not know what to do on that one.

Hope today will be better.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Home Depot sucks...

Ok so by 10 already went out for breakfast, hit Lowes, and made it home. The plan was to have Leah come over and get her car checked out. Rob did insted. The will be listing their house this week. We will see how long this one takes to sell. During the time Rob was over we got a call from the inlaws. They were bringing the fussy one home. Yes I am glad they took him, but we needed some more time to get things done.

The fussy ones nap time was cut short, he had a bad dream. So we went to Home Depot. A fan we previously looked at was another $20 knocked off. Ok so we were going to take it. But then they found it had scractches on the glass. They checked and the other location in our fair city had one for the same price. So we head over there for the phone call that was made to them said that "oh yes ours is in better condition". We got there and the hell it was. Orange streaks all over the glass and gouges out of the blades and finsh of the fan. So we made the bastard who told us/the other worker that it was good call over to the first store and have them get it ready for us. So after a breif stop to pick up steaks for dinner. Keith droped me and the fussy one off at home and went and picked it up. Well now they could not find the remote that goes with it. After a "chat" with them Keith got anothr $25 knocked off the fan. The other location will have the remote for us and will be picked up tmrw. *sigh* BTW the steaks were only ok.

Now the fussy one is in bed. Another work week starts. *sigh* where did the weekend go?

Gurr awake....

Saturday was the day of maybe's. Original plan was to get the fussy ones hair cut in the northland due to how cheap it is. Called Brenda and she was not in due to a family emergency. This is quiet odd. So then planed to stay home and get fun things done like Menards runs, ect..... Then the in-laws called, so our plans changed again. Went to Menards, put the fussy one down for a nap, and waited for his waking. Thank god he took a long nap. That ment mommy got a nap while Keith had the fun chore of poop scooping in the back yard. That should be mostly safe now....... He woke up and we called the in-laws to see if they wanted the fussy one. For the night before they were mentioning that if he had still been awake when they left, they would of taken him. They said maybe, in their case means 99% yes, and to bring up his stuff. So we did. Made a quick run to Shopko to return some pants and then ended up spending that $ on snacks for the in-laws and butt cream for the fussy one. Also picked up the good blended coffee of North Branch. Made it over and the in-laws and Unkle Mike was happy to see some new food items. They had been out side all day for it is maple syrp time. I would of called Justin and my dad over, but it was ment to be a short visit that day.

On the way home went to the Old Log Cabin and split a dinner and combo basket with Keith. It was nice. Chated about all the things that need to be done to this dump. One more project may of been added to our list for the next two years. Thanks to Obama. Yes blame the president and his ecnomic stimulis package for this one. A good tax rebate of 30% on the money you spend replacing windows for the next two years. And if any one knows us we do have lousy windows. For when the use the builders baisc... well 20+ years pass and they are not doing so well. So this year we may be replacing our door off of our dining room, and the sliding door out to our pourch... or some other windows for each of the next two years. This is going to get a bit costly but when we can get 30% of our $ back. Well it would be foolish. Especialy when it needs to be done any way. Now if they would only give us 30% back to replace our lousy driveway. For blacktop only has a 20 year life and that also has been exceeded. Ah, the joys of home ownership.

Now I am awake on the night/morning we have no fussy one for the daughter and tummy conspired against me. Gurr! This was my day to sleep in. Worst part is, it is way too early to wake the spoused one to go to breakfast. Maybe if it was two to three hours from now. *sigh* No rest for the wicked.

Friday, March 27, 2009

More mud

Dan came over today and did another layer of mud. Yea! One more and it is sand, prime and paint time.

Went to Lets Dish with Debbie, and Sandi. Had fun.

Now exhausted and trying to figure out how to make it up to North Branch. For the fussy one needs a hair cut.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

200 mark

So just barely, but I passed the 200 lbs. mark. Not too shocked, did it with the last one. So why would this be any different. All sounded well with the kido. In another 4 wks. I have to go in for the dredded G.D. test. *sigh* Oh well. At least it is after the cadbury mini-egg season.

Getting to the point of pregancy where it is getting hard to deal with work. May the next 3 months go fast.

I am glad that all my scrimping and saving is going to allow me to go to Let's Dish tmrw. I could only do a 4 meal package, but hell better than nothing. And saves me the stress of dinner ideas. I will just be glad when I am done with the work day tmrw.

Sick of it

I am getting so sick of people overextending their selves buying crap then bitching when they have no money for the basics of life. This is actually more that one person. Or how much their life sucks bec. of the spoused one. Get over your self! Stop spending $ on crap! Then you might make it thru the month with out pissing and moaning on how you need food $.

You think life is so easy for me? Not! I have a kid, I have to pay day care, I have to pay for 1/2 house and insurance. All of the insurances! Plus debt payments. Gas for the car. Do you think I like runing around with roots showing, NO! But I do it so we can eat, so the bills are paid.

Sorry for the rant, but hell. Get over your selves people and go get some help.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Glad to have it but work sucks....

My computer is evil today. Keeps having issues that help desk is unable to resolve.

Also 4 more weeks and I will be in 3rd tri. That will make me so happy. Have an appointment tmrw. with the ob. Another thing that will make me happy. Getting a bit mad that I have not had a deposit lately from my FSA. Come on need that $ for other things.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today is better...

Besides wanting to go back to bed today went ok. Dan came over and put on another layer of mud on the drywall. Only two more to go. Got out of making dinner and people left me alone at work. Now if it could only keep that way for the next few months. Also you may notice a new blog added to my list. It is the kitchen that Dan and Don are currently working on.

That is all for now. Time to find ice cream.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday Sucks!

Started out the day with ye old alarm clock going off. It came way too soon. The phone rings. Keith was up but he did not hear it. I had to stumble around the living room to find the phone. For I did not have time to put on the glasses. It was daycare, oh I have to be closed one of my kids is sick. Fine then the panic starts to figure out what to do with the fussy one. Keith stuck around, Wyatt was still sleeping. Made multiple phone calls to our old day care for she dose backup care. That almost took an hour. Luckily she could take him today. Keith left an hour late. Work started out ok... then the window started leaking. So set up a cup and towel to catch the water. Yea. It was coming fast while it was raining. Another problem to add to the list. I am still trying to figure out how to see a friend who had a child and get the time in at work I need. Besides that I will be grading tonight too. Yippie. I am exhausted. Ready for bed. But no rest for the wicked. Also trying to figure out how to get the dog license done. Got the shot. Now just the paper work. Now with as hectick as the morning was I do not know even when Keith is getting home.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


So the sheet rock made it up yesterday. Definitely not going to do an intense lilac. Thank you purple rock for making that apparent. Jess yesterday also polluted my poor tv and mind with Nora Roberts. *shudders* good to do a MST3K to. Went to the shower and that was ok. Lasted 5 hours. I won something. A note book. Sam tryed to molest my stomach the whole time she was around.

Today we need to hall the dogs ass to petco to get vaccinated. Hope it happens. Dan is coming back to do the second layer of mud. I have to pick out paint. And rest. Hahahha and also grade. No rest for the wicked I guess.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Progress towards sheetrock!

So some of the plumbing was moved last night. Thank god the reak of of the flux and torch being used is gone. Also got more of the framing done too. Dan is coming back today or tomorrow. And if we are luck the sheet rock will be up. Shit that means I need to pick a paint color. Hummm maybe a faint lilac? For it has to be light. The floor will be grey and the counter black. Hummm. At least some progress is being made. I will be so happy when this project is 90% finished. For this will be one of those projects that can not be 100% done now til we move a wall out side the bathroom. And who knows when that is going to be done. For we are going to remove the pass thru door and put a linnen closet where it is. Then move the bedrooom to the other side of the lower level so you can acess the laundry room. Maybe next winter. For we have to finsh the pourch prior to when our building permit expires on 7-1. And the baby coming.....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Exhausted and snot

So I am exhausted. Wy woke up last night. Went right back to sleep, but still. Then the sinuses have gone to hell again. Debating on if I wait it out or go get more anti-biotics. My appointment is not til the second week of april.

Tonight supposedly the in-laws are coming over to work on the bathroom. Yea work on bathroom, Boo for I will need to try and entertain a bit. I also do not know when Keith will get home today. He had to go from home to Princeton, down to Cottage Grove. Back to Princeton, then back home. All for work. And I am sure if you know some of the major companies in the area you can guess what one.

So I can not plan for dinner even. I know worse things, but when all you want to do is go to bed. It is nice to have some stuff prep'ed.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Progress it may be considered

So the fil showed up. Did not even say hi to me. I don't care if he ever talks to me but a common pleasantry would be nice when you come in to my home. So he took Keith and the fussy one out to dinner while I had to work. They came back just as it was time for me to take a break. No time ever to my self. Then had to figure out dinner for my self. Got some papa johns cheese bread and called it dinner. The vision centre called and my sunglasses are already in. Three days ahead of time. Now just to find the time to get them. Now to have some time to relax..... lol.


So today is a Blah day. Keep finding my self drawn to another car/truck then what I already have. But needless to say I do not have $14,000.00 for what I want so it will not be happening. Brings me to the fact of I work so hard. Wonder where all the money goes. *sigh*

So many other little things are just pissing me off. Not looking fwd. to the fil's planed visit today. At least I am stuck working the whole time. So he better not bother me.

le sigh....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sick of this shit....

Ok so today did not go too well. Woke up and people could not make decisions even on breakfast. Had to take charge even though I was exhausted. Fine did it. Then Wy was cranky as hell. He even said yes to being tired. Got him to bed and went to the other target to look for some hiking boots that the other target had on clearance but were out of the size the fussy one needed. Found them and they wanted $2.00 more. But still cheaper than any other shoe. Fine paid it. Found a deal on wipes but called back to the home sted and some one could not tell me the normal size of wipe containers we buy. Fine did not get them. Found a bag I want to get but if some one follows thur with their plan to make me a diaper bag I should not need. So I am torne about that. After finding a few pairs of pants on clearance for the fussy one I left. Came home to find one of the boxes of wipes out side of the fussy ones room. Yeah that would of been a great deal for them, GRRRR! And our target dose not have them. Fine so I left to go to Wal*mart for the fussy one was still sleaping. Had to go to the vision center. Ordered a pair of sunglasses, only reason I did that is I have $ in my FSA that I need to spend. Called Keith and asked him about lunch. Some whineing about Culvers and how he was starving. FINE, I get him a meal. Nothing for me or fussy to save $. Came home and gave him the food. He was very greatful for it. Started making mac and cheese for me. Then the fussy one wakes up just as I was about to eat. Keith steped up to take care of him so I could eat. But the fussy one tried to bother mommy. So they went out side so I could eat. But I was so wound up.... We played out side for awhile then it turned in to mommy takes care of him all day again... and with him being a brat. I just wished that I could of had a bottle of wine or two to help. Then no one could make a decision for dinner. So I ate corn flakes and they ate chicken strips. The only thing that sounded good to me for dinner was the soup, yes soup at olive garden. So I attempted to see if some one was free. But they were not. I guess it was good to save $. The fussy one went to bed ok. Talked to the person I attempted to go out with and they dropped a bomb. Just sick of seeing people self destruct. Then I attempt to fill out the paperwork for my FSA. The website is down. GURR! I know lots of laim whining about little shit. Just when it all builds up, no good. And especially when you can not self medicate. I am just glad that the mil yesterday bought so much for the kids. It helps. Now Keith is working on his car for some bad clunking is occurring. We can not afford for a car to be down. We still need to fix my tranny too. I was also informed that my FIL I do not have time for will be showing up to my home that is a disaster. I will not have time to clean it. For people like me have to work. Then the other FIL and BIL will now be coming over, but the do not know what day of the week that will happen. At least when those two will show it means help with the bathroom. But that will also mean entertaining the MIL and others.... Still need to figure out what bottles we are going with this time since the ones we used last time are no longer sold at target. An on going battle. And need to figure out about the swing situation. Just trying to pick things off the list. Also no luck on finding shoes for Keith or I. I have to try and be happy with the little things that I got done but when more keeps piling up.... GURR! Also I have been attemping to look in to fun things to do with the fussy one like go to Como or indoor play parks. But all that shit closes at 4 pm or 4:30pm. When you are a working parent, like you can do any of that shit. It makes me angry that you either have to take a day off or be a stay at home mom to do this crap. Sorry to say with health insurance and house payment. Don't have a choice of being a stay at home mom. So for that my kid has to miss out on fun things? I would just be happy if they were open til 6 even. Just wondering why I try.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Worse but not unexpected

So the framing that the previous owner did is worse that first thought but not unexpected. So a bit more work will be put in to the bathroom. We did purchase some sheetrock. So who knows when we can finish it. Sounds like we are going to have some help with it.

Went shopping with the mil. Got a bunch of clothes for the girl today. That is thanks to the Mil. Wywy also got a new pair of shades, and he thinks they are so cool. Also thanks to the mil the girl now has a mattress. Besides some blankets, a few more clothing items, and a swing we are getting there.

Also got a break from the fussy one tonight. We used the last $10.00 gift card for old log cabin and got dinner. But the jacked their prices so needless to say it did not go as far as it would of 4 mo ago. But it was worth it. Wywy had fun with Uncle Ben and Nick. Found he has a tallent of sword fighting. Even grandma Angie was amaised. Also saw the old man. He exisits.... hummm.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tore it down

So that was not the intent of the eve. Just a simple goal to remove the towel bar, and light fixture. So we did. Then for shits and giggles I told Keith that I had to be the first one to put a hole in the wall. So I did. Then Keith seeing the fun decided to join in. So one wall is removed now.

Went to the ENT today. My sinuses are inflamed, my esophagus has acid wear from acid reflux, and my tonsils are also inflamed. They can only at this point give me something for the acid reflux. And two nose sprays.... one steroid, one saline. The saline spray they gave is far more gentle than the neti-pot or the flush bottle. And it is true. They want to see me back in 2 weeks to see if it makes an improvement. They want to do more but can not due to my pregancy. They may also want to see me after the child is born.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Last eve. after posting. Went strait to bed. A bad headache started. Took meds, and just wanted to fall to sleep. Helped with the physical pain. But the nightmare I had where I gave premature birth to 5 or 6 (the dream also ?ed the #) children. Only one was breathing and it was my race to the hospital. To one located in St. Paul trying to get there in a panic with all the bodies on my stomach. That is just the basic summary. I will leave it at that. Needless to say being pregers right now.... it dose not sit well. Fealing shell shocked and exhausted. Happy monday. *head slams in to desk*

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring time for every one but me..

So I got out of the house with some one elses money for KFC. Saw a huge accident on 109th. Mini-van rapped it's self around a telephone. With a few other smashed cars/mini-vans. Got food and it got better. Ended up loading up the Wy and Keith and went to J.C. penny. We need some light blocking shades for Wy's room. That did not work. They were out. Attempted to look for some shoes for Keith and I. No luck. I need my yearly pair of sandals that my foot swet destroys a pair within 3 mo. And Keith's are busting out seams. Eaks. For some reason less and less places are carying sz 11's! It is pissing me off. Wy and the sis got some shorts but that was about it. Now debating on gymnastics for the Wy. Only reasons it is a debate is due to my prego gut and of course $ but I know he would benefit. Ugh....

Weekend is a bust now.

So the fussy one woke up once, and I twice early on saturday morning. All of us were back to sleep and the plan was to sleep. That changed with a phone call. We all hopped out of bed since Dan was coming over due to Leah and Rob not being awake. Ran as fast as I could to Key's for carmel/cinn. rolls. Dan took off quickly and after that. Made the brownies, and got the fussy one ready. Ran over to Leah and Robs. Dropped him off, loaded Dans van, and made haste to NB. Got to the bank in time. Singed the papers. Went to Shopko and got a few pillows. Ate lunch with Keith. Went to the outlet mall for a little bit. Got Keith a hair cut. Went to the new County Market, way too nice. Stoped by Dan and Sanid's to give Chris shit. Then to putz's house. Ended up staying the night. Good thing 5 min after deciding that the bathroom became my friend. I guess lunch did not agree with Keith or I's digestive system. I dumped my purse and found admodium and dispenced that to us both. Woke up 5 times during the night due to pain. Putz made us a good breakfast. Then onward. Went to the outlet mall to hit a few more stores we missed. We forgot about day light savings time. SO we left the outlet thinking that it would not open for 1 1/2 hours. Wrong it was 1/2, we did not notice til far past Stacy. Gurr! Just as we got near Stacy the Dan and Sandi called. Saturday we got told Wy would not be returning til late afternoon. This was a call at 10:30 to say they were on their way. We had things we needed to do on our own! So ended up going to Kohls with the Mil. The cut all their shoe sizes I only found a few pairs that had a sz 11 in them. Looks like I will not be shoping them for shoes anymore. Also the cut the Mat. clothing section that was already small in 1/2. No good. The Mil loved all the too girly girl stuff. Eaks.... That did not last long. Now sitting at home hungry, exhausted, and with a fussy one.... I just need time alone, a nap, and food. Who knows.

Friday, March 6, 2009

For me

I decided to flex off a few hours today to get my feet fixed. For I am pregos enough that cutting my own toe nails is not possible. Took off my socks and looked at my toes prior to going in. So nasty , overgrown, pealing skin. So I went and got a pedicure. My feet feel so much better, like new. I had forgone one for 4+ months and could tell. Plah! Then on a whim called the local beauty school to see if I could get in for a conditioning treatment for I may be doing henna to the hair this weekend. What was to be 1/2 hour service turned in to 2 1/2 hour service. Felt so good to have some one wash my hair but besides that..... was getting a bit fed up after 1 hour. Next time I will go to target and get some nexus for it conditons better. Oh well. At least it was for me.... ok so the toes was for the safety of the world... but still. No kids, no guilt, just me.

Ran thur the drive thur of Taco Johns and that is way too spendy. Picked up Keith, put on the shoes that Ro wants. It felt great, but it was with great challange to put them on. For the same reason I can not cut my toe nails.... well it applies to shoes of this nature. But I got them on and we ran to pick up the fussy one.

Did he live up to his title. He was cranky the whole way thur target. Making us both miss impt. items, like a pillow he needs for daycare...... Got home and the apptite that had been gone for days was back. He ate a cookie at target. Then when we got home a cup of gold fish. Then he was still cranky. So he had dinner and ate most of a banna and a gerber graduates meal.... and I mean he at it all. Eaks! So glad he is eating again but it would be back if he could bring back the word more insted of crying. Or "I want my mommy" go figure he is a shy guy but when he wants you to know....

Now I am trying to figure out how to dich a kido and take care of some time senstive business in the Northland. I guess that is what the morning is for.

Also I am determined not to have a child on 3/5. For I found another person this year that brings the family/friend total up to 5. Eaks. Getting just as bad as 1/25.


That is the days left til my due date. I will be so happy when it is down to 30. Debating on making my way to babies r us today to get a swing. Of course I have to go up to North Branch to deal with some business. Professional and other wise. Maybe I should wait til April. I do not know.

Just having such a hard time making a choices as of late. The self pitty party of my self and others is getting a bit much. Trying to be positive but hell. When you are the only one.... I would have a glass or bottle of wine to make my self feel better. But with being a good parent and only in the 2nd trimester.... that means no on the self medication. Is it the time of the year? I am sick of the economy being peoples reason. Most people who use that reason at least have gotten a pay raise this year. My self not so much. Oh well....... all I can do is dream of my child to come and a visit to the Nova in July.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fussy one is back

He is mostly back to his old self. Now is he can just sleep thru the night. I am just so exhausted. Dealing with his antics and the stress of many things going askew. I just hope for a quiet weekend.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So Wyatt seams to be doing ok at daycare. He misses his friends so much. The same little boy is not coming home at the end of the day. The new daycare provider is amassed that he is so well behaved. I just hope that Wywy gets back to his normal self soon.

The evil vanity downstairs is gone. Some one actually paid money. And drove 30 miles to get it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Ok so the weekend did not start with it but it became the focus of the weekend. Friday went well. Some tasks were not accomplished, but others were. I just hope that one of the failed tasks is done on monday. Wywy's last day of daycare at that provider was friday. They made a cute good bye book for him. It almost made me cry. He starts his new one on monday. Had friends over on friday night all went well. Then at 2 am on saturday morning.... Wywy the vommit-sauras started up. Luckly we were able to keep him hydrated. But our bathroom did not get worked on. For the crew did not come due to one of her children being sick. Ro came over and it was great. Went to Herbergers and got a $100 pair of shoes for $38.00. They are so nice even Ro wanted to take them. Wywy did fine in the afternoon til prior to dinner one more eppisode. Today he woke up back to his normal self and had a fine day. Extra well behaved too, excluding the show off to auntie Ro... look I can get down staris on my own. Today we finaly got our new vanity for the bathroom! It was on sale again. Now just to tare down the sheetrock. We also put the old one on craigs list. At least today was a good day. Now I just hope that I can sleep thru the night. For 6 out of the last 7 that has not been the case. Just dreading monday for work is causing too much streess. Hope Em's walk went well today too.