I am just amazed at the audacity of others on this election day. I logged in to facebook this morning and someone posted as their status "vote for obama". Seriously? Last time I checked people have the choice of whom they vote for. I am not saying that I am against any party, but when you start telling people who to vote for you are crossing a line.
Filling the silence
The gaps between the sharing, in this forum at least, are growing longer
and longer.
All is well, however. Time passes, children grow.
Life remains ch...
9 years ago
Lauren honey, I love you to death but you CANNOT spell. Audacity.
When people put "vote for Obama" or "vote for McCain" on their profiles, they aren't forcing you into anything. They are merely expressing an opinion like "go see the new Bond movie in the theater". That doesn't force you into anything, you always have the right to choose. People are just really passionate about this election and are expressing their right to voice that feeling.
The election will be over soon. No worries.
Sadly I would take it as such, but some people whose names I will leave out do not mean it in the nature of what you are writing about.
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