Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ro and Cin Cin.. guess Angie too.

So what I hoped would be the wonder twins has turned to to triplets. Hummm. Was looking fwd. to quality time with Jess and the first two. Nothing wrong with Angie... but another person. Hope that we get to Noodles Market today. Ro has been promising me to go there for the past year! And now my car gets to be used. Yippie. I hate taking my car in to MPLS. Hate it. Don't get me wrong fine with the firndges of the city. But the inner core. *shudders*

It was a way too busy week with 18 hours of OT. Driving thru some of the worst rush hours of the year due to weather. And a training session that lasted all week. I do not like my new job too much. But due to the way the econ. is going like I have a choice.

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