Saturday, January 31, 2009
Lack luster day
Went to Chipolte with Jess. It was nice. So wanted the ice tea but was being good due to my current state.
We came back and did nothing. We were both too broke and actually being responsible for once. It was ok, just felt like we could do more..... oh well.
Now I have decided I want this....... hum.... time to plot.
The double one......
Friday, January 30, 2009
Might of found a winner
Keith and Wy are being a pain. Keith with a cold and eye irritation. Wy teething.
May the weekend be peaceful for all......
Thursday, January 29, 2009
No where....
Nothing too new otherwise. Sinuses are going to hell again. The joy of the season. My time card switched so I take it my new pay should take effect soon. The sad part is no one has told me how much yet. Prob $.01 so they say they gave me one.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Two interviews
The other one. Nice. Warm. Hub smokes after hours in one area of the house.
Just know the first one is not right. This one seamed good. Who knows lots of stress.
Went out for dinner to celebrate Keith's b-day. It was fun and some unexpected friends showed.
Now I await the return of the kido and the stress of more searching.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Daycare is shut down tmrw. The daycare providers child is sick.
The level 2 ultrasound is scheduled. A week earlier than I expected. So I get to go in on friday the 13th. Surprise, surprise.... the schedule at the clinic I need to go to was wide open excluding one slot. Hummm people parnoid? I figure I have an appointment a few weeks prior so if any thing may be bad should be seen then. That ultrasound is not as detailed. But should have news either way.
Called another provider for daycare that came highly recomended from the current one. Left a message and she never called back. Getting no where fast.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Getting better but still bad
Then also the whole Obama thing. People he is white and black. He is just a man. Give it time and you will hate his policy' s too. Just getting sick of all the people that are acting like he is the second coming.
Monday, January 19, 2009
It keeps getting worse.
Stoped for at least now
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Becoming less
Saturday, January 17, 2009
So glad to have seen every one. Just hope next time less headaches.
Ro and Cin Cin.. guess Angie too.
It was a way too busy week with 18 hours of OT. Driving thru some of the worst rush hours of the year due to weather. And a training session that lasted all week. I do not like my new job too much. But due to the way the econ. is going like I have a choice.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Getting sick of it...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
What is placenta previa?
If you have placenta previa, it means that your placenta is lying unusually low in your uterus, next to or covering your cervix. The placenta is the pancake-shaped organ — normally located near the top of the uterus — that supplies your baby with nutrients through the umbilical cord.
Placenta previa is not usually a problem early in pregnancy. But if it persists into later pregnancy, it can cause bleeding, which may require you to deliver early and can lead to other complications. If you have placenta previa when it's time to deliver your baby, you'll need to have a c-section.
If the placenta covers the cervix completely, it's called a complete or total previa. If it's right on the border of the cervix, it's called a marginal previa. (You may also hear the term "partial previa," which refers to a placenta that covers part of the cervical opening once the cervix starts to dilate.) If the edge of the placenta is within 2 centimeters of the cervix but not bordering it, it's called a low-lying placenta. The location of your placenta will be checked during your midpregnancy ultrasound exam.
What happens if I'm diagnosed with placenta previa?
It depends on how far along you are in pregnancy. Don't panic if your second trimester ultrasound shows that you have placenta previa. As your pregnancy progresses, your placenta is likely to "migrate" farther from your cervix and no longer be a problem. (Since the placenta is implanted in the uterus, it doesn't actually move, but it can end up farther from your cervix as your uterus expands. Also, as the placenta itself grows, it's likely to grow toward the richer blood supply in the upper part of the uterus.)
Only about 10 percent of women who have placenta previa noted on ultrasound at midpregnancy still have it when they deliver their baby. A placenta that completely covers the cervix is more likely to stay that way than one that's bordering it (marginal) or nearby (low-lying).
Even if previa is discovered later in pregnancy, the placenta may still move away from the cervix (although the later it's found, the less likely this is to happen). You'll have a follow-up ultrasound early in your third trimester to check on the location of your placenta. If you have any vaginal bleeding in the meantime, an ultrasound will be done then to find out what's going on.
So by the above applies to me. Halled ass in to the doctor due to bleeding. Now I must take it easy and hope for the best during the next four weeks. They did an Ultrasound today and baby was ok. Now lets just hope it keeps going ok.
tis the season....
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Trying to Zen out
Or when the horoscope of the day looks like this....
"Wear your thicker skin today, because you will be getting some abrasive criticism."
It dose not start the day off on the right foot. Besides computers locking up at work.... colds/kids not wanting to take meds. Ugh!