Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lack luster day

Woke up a fussy kid and hubby. Hubby has pink eye again.

Went to Chipolte with Jess. It was nice. So wanted the ice tea but was being good due to my current state.

We came back and did nothing. We were both too broke and actually being responsible for once. It was ok, just felt like we could do more..... oh well.

Now I have decided I want this....... hum.... time to plot.

The double one......

Friday, January 30, 2009

Might of found a winner

Went to another day care two blocks away from our current one. She was great. We just need to do some figuring.

Keith and Wy are being a pain. Keith with a cold and eye irritation. Wy teething.

May the weekend be peaceful for all......

Thursday, January 29, 2009

No where....

That one I looked at my self was nice in some ways. But there were so many odd rules and terms. Like a 4 week pre-paid notice. I don't have that type of $.

Nothing too new otherwise. Sinuses are going to hell again. The joy of the season. My time card switched so I take it my new pay should take effect soon. The sad part is no one has told me how much yet. Prob $.01 so they say they gave me one.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Not looking fwd. to going to another daycare. The location is real close to our current one. But I have to go alone. When I can not lift him. Great...... Oh and to top it off he is teething with a very runny nose. So this is going to be fun. Oh and she can not meet with me til 1/2 after I pick up our kid. So I have to run home for 10 min change him and run back up. I do not know why this whole situation is stressing me out so bad. Hope this goes well. I just need something to go easy and right.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Two interviews

Did two this weekend. One that came with a high recommendation from our current provider. Was not too impressed. Seamed cold. Was far away.

The other one. Nice. Warm. Hub smokes after hours in one area of the house.

Just know the first one is not right. This one seamed good. Who knows lots of stress.

Went out for dinner to celebrate Keith's b-day. It was fun and some unexpected friends showed.

Now I await the return of the kido and the stress of more searching.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well the layoff situation has hit the family. The mil got told today that her work will be shut down by the end of the year.

Daycare is shut down tmrw. The daycare providers child is sick.

The level 2 ultrasound is scheduled. A week earlier than I expected. So I get to go in on friday the 13th. Surprise, surprise.... the schedule at the clinic I need to go to was wide open excluding one slot. Hummm people parnoid? I figure I have an appointment a few weeks prior so if any thing may be bad should be seen then. That ultrasound is not as detailed. But should have news either way.

Called another provider for daycare that came highly recomended from the current one. Left a message and she never called back. Getting no where fast.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Getting better but still bad

Daycare is willing to keep the Wy for a few months if needed. Made some calls and they are $25 a week more for Wy and the new baby would be $30+ more than expected. Just feeling lost in this whole situation.


Still feeling quite raw from the whole daycare situation. Wost part is I have to pick up the kid today. I just want to fly off the handle. She is going to get lots of questions.

Then also the whole Obama thing. People he is white and black. He is just a man. Give it time and you will hate his policy' s too. Just getting sick of all the people that are acting like he is the second coming.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Searched using my works daycare search. Covers the whole state. Only one showed up. Wrong end of town. Starts way too late to be able to use. We have a number that our soon to be ex-provider gave us. But just feeling hopeless. Something has to work out I know but ....... just getting way too much.

It keeps getting worse.

Got notice from daycare Wyatt is out. It is due to the fact of us having another child. She originally said she could take. And now can not. She wants him to switch prior to the birth of the new child for his well being. Like in 3wks. So angry. Do not need this now. New job, finding daycare, trying to function in a household when I can't do much. AUGHH!

Stoped for at least now

The bleeding has stopped. This makes me so happy. Now just to keep it that way til I go in again on the 2nd.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Becoming less

So the bleeding has gotten less. Yea! Just trying to take it easy. For I do want to have a happy, healthy child. So hard. Want to get so much done. And at the same time if I do not rest and take it easy the higher my risk for being put on "bed rest". Thanks but no. I need to work every day til I pop.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


So the girls came over. Glad to see them and made the trek to Mpls. Parked at the Target Center ramp. Event parking due to Elmo. Then we get to the pub. Closed. Went to Hardrock. So disappointed in the food. Went to United Noodle. Had fun. Headache started. Noticed something may be wrong. Went to Jessies. Came home. Headache got worse. Went to the bathroom blood again. Now I am laying down and resting. Hope it goes away.

So glad to have seen every one. Just hope next time less headaches.

Ro and Cin Cin.. guess Angie too.

So what I hoped would be the wonder twins has turned to to triplets. Hummm. Was looking fwd. to quality time with Jess and the first two. Nothing wrong with Angie... but another person. Hope that we get to Noodles Market today. Ro has been promising me to go there for the past year! And now my car gets to be used. Yippie. I hate taking my car in to MPLS. Hate it. Don't get me wrong fine with the firndges of the city. But the inner core. *shudders*

It was a way too busy week with 18 hours of OT. Driving thru some of the worst rush hours of the year due to weather. And a training session that lasted all week. I do not like my new job too much. But due to the way the econ. is going like I have a choice.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting sick of it...

Working so hard. Feeling like I am getting no where. Want to buy a few new toys. Like a mini laptop for me. A toilet and vanity for down stairs. Yet no money to do that. I know there is nothing that can be done and whining about it makes no difference. Tax money if any is already spent/ being saved due to my pregnancy.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009


The bleeding subsided during the night. Thank god. Now if it can only keep that way. And may the placenta move to where it should be.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


What is placenta previa?

If you have placenta previa, it means that your placenta is lying unusually low in your uterus, next to or covering your cervix. The placenta is the pancake-shaped organ — normally located near the top of the uterus — that supplies your baby with nutrients through the umbilical cord.

Placenta previa is not usually a problem early in pregnancy. But if it persists into later pregnancy, it can cause bleeding, which may require you to deliver early and can lead to other complications. If you have placenta previa when it's time to deliver your baby, you'll need to have a c-section.

If the placenta covers the cervix completely, it's called a complete or total previa. If it's right on the border of the cervix, it's called a marginal previa. (You may also hear the term "partial previa," which refers to a placenta that covers part of the cervical opening once the cervix starts to dilate.) If the edge of the placenta is within 2 centimeters of the cervix but not bordering it, it's called a low-lying placenta. The location of your placenta will be checked during your midpregnancy ultrasound exam.

What happens if I'm diagnosed with placenta previa?

It depends on how far along you are in pregnancy. Don't panic if your second trimester ultrasound shows that you have placenta previa. As your pregnancy progresses, your placenta is likely to "migrate" farther from your cervix and no longer be a problem. (Since the placenta is implanted in the uterus, it doesn't actually move, but it can end up farther from your cervix as your uterus expands. Also, as the placenta itself grows, it's likely to grow toward the richer blood supply in the upper part of the uterus.)

Only about 10 percent of women who have placenta previa noted on ultrasound at midpregnancy still have it when they deliver their baby. A placenta that completely covers the cervix is more likely to stay that way than one that's bordering it (marginal) or nearby (low-lying).

Even if previa is discovered later in pregnancy, the placenta may still move away from the cervix (although the later it's found, the less likely this is to happen). You'll have a follow-up ultrasound early in your third trimester to check on the location of your placenta. If you have any vaginal bleeding in the meantime, an ultrasound will be done then to find out what's going on.

So by the above applies to me. Halled ass in to the doctor due to bleeding. Now I must take it easy and hope for the best during the next four weeks. They did an Ultrasound today and baby was ok. Now lets just hope it keeps going ok.

tis the season....

Wywy had his first two bloody noses at daycare yesterday. Great we have a bleeder. My work finally is getting me in to training next week. Not looking fwd. to it. I have no $ for lunch or gas. Trying to see if I can get remembursed for mileage. The only thing that keeps me going this week is going to Let's Dish on friday. And that is pre paid. May thursday and friday be fast.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Trying to Zen out

It is not working. I am so stressed. Everything keeps going wrong/getting worse/sticking around. Like $20.00 of chicken strips getting wasted since they were accidentally left out by the spouse.

Or when the horoscope of the day looks like this....

"Wear your thicker skin today, because you will be getting some abrasive criticism."

It dose not start the day off on the right foot. Besides computers locking up at work.... colds/kids not wanting to take meds. Ugh!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Today the shower knob broke. The snow broom broke. The battery charger broke. Many things broke or failed today. Need a peaceful week that I can feel better.


After pissing thru 40 hours of time off I am starting to feel a bit better. Still sucking down all the meds and coughing up crap. Weekend was hell. I was to have been up at the cabin for new years eve. But I was too sick. Keith and the fussy one went up. ?ed prior to them leaving with the cough the kido had if they should go to minuite clinic. They did not. I stayed home to rest. It did not go well. Especialy with people calling prior to 9 am. Wed. and Thurs. passed. Still very ill and woken up by Liz on Friday morning I left. So out of it I forgot a bag. I would of held out til Saturday but with a looming snow storm I would of had no chance. They were out of food. So I drove, and drove. I realy do not know how I made it. Got in to Grand Rapids and battled all the Grannies getting food prior to the storm. I was seeing red. They'd dart in front of you like you were going to take the last item in the store. After 5+ hours made it up and wanted to colapse. I attempted to go rest but Keith ran to fishing and I did not want to leave Leah (prob stuck watching him that whole time when her dh and mine played in the ice house) stuck watching him again. Then I ended up cooking dinner for 8! I took a shower after and passed out. Woke up 4 times during the night. Saturday started out with lots of snow. By the time the storm ended 8+ inches. Wyatt got sicker. So bad I was about to drive thru the storm for meds. He was running a feaver. Finay at that point Keith steped up and went to the gas station. Wyatt woke up 3 times during the night on staturday. I think I got at most 4 hours of sleep. Sunday still very ill made breakfast for all. I do not think people realized I was as sick as I was. Then we halled ass to get home prior to Min. clinic closing. We made it with 15 min to spare. He had an ear infection. Got meds and got home. Keith was bitchy the whole way. Now he is getting sick. God save me! Besides I fucked up my bank account by $200.00 Hummm time to ask Jess for some $ from when I paid for some stuff at target? So screwed..... still out of it sick. Just not hacking every min. No good can come of this.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Special K

I hate that stupid comerical where the kid tells the mom. (while buliding a snow man) "mom you are twins!" And the lady then runs in to the house bec. it is the holiday treats that caught up to her. The stupid bitch is at a low weight already and you can tell. It is the stupid coat. The jet puff marshmellow coat that we all know is warm makes Mary-Kate Olsen look like she is packing. Ugh...... Do not blaim this rant on the lack of sleep. Ever time I see that comercial it just makes my blood boil.

Better than it could of been, worse than it should of been...

So the cold still reigns over me. Thought I would get another nice night of sleep. Nope! Stayed home. Woke up at 11 pm. Had to run to the bathroom. The digestive system was crewel. Went back to bed. But that shot while being awake made me cough out all the crap that collected in my thrgt. while sleeping. After that the cough syrup took affect again. Then got back to sleep. Stupid me rolled over to adjust my self. At this point all cough syrp out of my system coughed up ever thing again. Now I sit here at 4:20 cst am. Eating some food so I can plute my system with more syrp so I can fall asleap..... I hope. Think it will consist of staying home agin today.